Affiliate Junction

Welcome to the MyKad Smart Shopper Program

Do you know that our national identity card serves over 50 functions and purposes other than as a national IC? It can be used as your driving license, ATM card, Touch n Go, and for many other purposes.
Developed and managed by I Synergy Universal Sdn Bhd, an integrated retail marketing solution provider in Malaysia, the MyKad Smart Shopper Program is one of the latest affiliate program under Affiliate Junction network.
Co-promoted and supported by the National Registration Department (JPN-Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) and Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), this program aims to offer a mutually rewarding retail privilege and discount program for Malaysian consumers as well as retailers.

Absolutely free
No membership expiry date
Enjoy retail discount & privileges
Earn reward points from spending
No additional card to carry

Co-promoted and supported by the National Registration Department (JPN-Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) and Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), this program aims to offer a mutually rewarding retail privilege and discount program for Malaysian consumers as well as retailers.

website :

1 comment:

  1. 0. Klu beli lesen RM 22,000, pastu register mykad org je, brp tahun mau cover modal lesen ??? tu belum kira untung lagi...

    klu x dpt cover modal, tu sbb nk jual pulak lesen....mana ada MLM / Affiliate yang jual lesen...confirm kena kencing....check la phytoscience affiliate, sekali register for lifetime....xde pun bukak company CEO Enterprise syok sendiri...phytoscience ada produk, AJ ada apa ? hahaha...

    *** check la kt
    lebih kurang 340 merchants saja....kt bernama tv/paper ckp ribu2...phuiii

    1. AJ wajib ada lesen klu nk taja/sponsor org utk register mykad - paling cikai RM 1000...klu nk jadi dealer, RM 2000 to RM 4000, yg paling tinggi RM 22000 rasanya.

    2. Klu jadi dealer, confirm kena register company Enterprise.

    Persoalan ? AJ nie MLM ke bukan MLM ke itu citer lain......mana ada MLM/Affiliate kena beli lesen...pastu mana ada MLM/Affiliate kena buka company Enterprise kalau dah join....
    mmmmmm.....nmpk sgt ada funny2 things kan ???...

    3. Klu dah inject modal RM 1000 tu (paling cikai), and taja org/kedai utk register mykad, BERAPA TAHUN NK RECOVER MODAL RM 1000 TU DULU SBLM UNTUNG

    4. Klu dah inject modal RM 2000-4000 tu, and taja org/kedai utk register mykad, BERAPA TAHUN NK RECOVER MODAL/LESEN RM 2000-4000 TU DULU SBLM UNTUNG

    5. Klu dah inject modal RM 22000 tu, and taja org/kedai utk register mykad, LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI...

    6. Cakap jer jana pendapatan 5 angka, 6 angka RM xxx,xxx cehhhh....TAPI ITU SEBENARNYA SALES utk company I-Synergy, BUKAN KORANG PUNYA INCOME PUN...
    yg msk dlm account cuma 0.05 sen, RM 4.00, RM 15.00, RM 30.00, RM 50.00 .....CUBA KIRA TENGOK DLM 1 BULAN brp ACTUALLY yg masuk pastu TOLAK MODAL LESEN AJ yg korg beli tu...BRP YG KORANG DPT SEBENARNYA....

    Kebanyakan pattern/konsep Affiliate tu lebih kurang sama, cuma approach sj yg berbeza...

    sape kene tipu, sape kene kencing, sape yg pikirlah sendiri...
